Global Application Integration (GAI) product offers robust applications integration solution and cost effective integration model for the enterprise application modules for your business process optimization. GAI product offers the built-in flexibility, customize and modify to meet the changing needs of your business needs with outstanding scalability.
QA Testing:
QA Testing services are part of our development methodology.In CSI, the Testing team is involved in the project right from day one, from the “Requirements” phase. The QA team also participates in the design meetings. This helps the Testing team define the quality and testing strategy for the project. Due to this degree of involvement, the QA team has on numerous occasions improved the quality of the delivery right at the design phase.
Maintenance and Supporting:
We provide extensive support and maintenance for the product implementations, thereby enabling our clients to focus on their core business process. Our services in this space include not limited to following:
» Technical Documentation
» Application Management and Maintenance
» Application Monitoring and Management
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